Sunday, June 17, 2007

Having Faith in a Full Recovery

Saturday was a better day at the hospital. We were finally able to understand more about what happened to dad. When he fell on Friday, he hit his head. The impact of the fall on his head would have simply given you or I a headache and a knot on our head, but because of his leukemia, dad's platelets were low and the impact caused bleeding in his head. The surgery that they did was to remove part of his skull to relieve the pressure of the swelling and bleeding. They also removed a blood clot that had formed from the bleeding. Neurologically they are unable to do many test to determine brain damage, until Monday when they bring him off of the sedation. They have been checking his pupils, which have been responding well. So far there have not been any negatives that would indicate a full recovery isn't possible.

When the first doctor saw my dad, he told my mom that this was very serious and to call the family. We have had great support here from family and friends. All of my dad's brothers and sisters have been here. Continue to pray for my dad and specifically for my mom that she will have the confidence that we made the right decision to operate. Monday will be the big day when they do another CAT scan and take him off the sedation. Our prayer is that the bleeding has stopped and that he comes right out of the comma and his brain is working well.

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